The magnificent tribute of Kobe Bryant to Gordon Hayward

Kobe Bryant, retired since last season's end, left a very moving note to Gordon Hayward, seriously injured in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday.

The resumption of the NBA season in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday was to be a celebration, the occasion to celebrate worthily the title of champion for the Golden State Warriors and to attend two confrontations between four teams among the best armed. In the match between the Warriors and Houston, Draymond Green's injury to the knee spoiled the evening, but the inside should get away with two or three weeks of rest. On the other hand, the injury of Gordon Haward, player of the Boston Celtics against the Cleveland Cavaliers of LeBron James clearly shocked the players first, waving to the medical staff to be afferated around the dislocated ankle. The Quicken Loans Arena then sank into an agonizing silence and applauded the release of the player on stretcher. Just transferred from the Utah Jazz and promised a major role in the green franchise, Gordon Hayward has received many tributes since the end of the meeting following the terrible diagnosis: ankle dislocation and tibia fracture. The most beautiful message is probably Kobe Bryant. The legend of the Los Angeles Lakers also went through a difficult period with a ruptured Achilles tendon in 2013.

The message of Kobe Bryant: "Be sad. Be furious. Be frustrated. Shout. Weep. Sulks. When you wake up, you'll think it was just a nightmare to finally realize it's reality. You will be angry and you will have hope for the day of return, the game of return. But reality gives nothing in return, and it should not. Now is the time to go ahead, prepare for the operation, ask all the questions to make sure you understand this process, so you can visualize it in your subconscious and have a better chance of succeed. Then, concentrate on rehabilitation, day by day. It is a long way, but if you are focused on small progress then you will find beauty in pain to achieve simple things that you took for granted before your injury. It also means that upon your return you will have a new vision of things. You will enjoy so much to be standing, to walk, to run, and you will therefore train like never before. Trust grows with every progress and you will come back even better. I wish you the best for your journey my brother #mambamentality. "

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