Ghoulam on the shelves of Liverpool?

At the end of the contract with Naples in the summer of 2018, Faouzi Ghoulam should not extend. Liverpool will be on the rows to welcome the Algerian left lateral, and this next winter.

Arrived in Naples in January 2014, Faouzi Ghoulam should soon leave the Boot. His contract with the Azzurri will end in the summer of 2018 and the left-hand side would not have planned to extend the adventure while Mario Rui, a direct competitor at his post, arrived at the last Summer Mercato. Some English media (The Sun and Daily Mail in front) confirm this information and reveal that Liverpool would like to welcome the former Stéphanois. Chelsea would also be interested. In order not to let the Algerian international (26 years, 37 selections) leave free in June next, the Neapolitans could accept to give way this winter.

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